Friday, 5 February 2010

Living Wreath, The (Paperback)

Creating wreaths that last for months or years is the astonishing premise behind Teddy's living-wreath concept, perfected over many years of experimentation. One of the wreaths featured in this book is over twelve years old.
Making your first succulent wreath the "mother" of numerous wreath offspring is a how-to accomplishment explained in simple directions and step-by-step-photos. From diminutive to awesome, wreath scale can range from just inches to six feet in diameter from a plant list limited only by your imagination.
Snip fresh salad and cooking herbs from a wreath in your kitchen or take a cue from Teddy's charming garden alfresco picnic featured in the book. The long table's centerpieces are living salad wreaths, and the cutlery includes wee scissors at each guests' place setting for a memorable "create your own" dining experience. After the picnic, the lettuce plants grow new leaves, just as they would in the garden bed.
Create Teddy's living wreaths as fun family projects and community-group gift-making activities. The symbol of the wreath is the circle that brings us together in cooperative celebrations of our relationships, nowhere more eloquently expressed than with Teddy-inspired living wreaths for holidays, marriages and anniversaries, birthdays, sweet sixteens, and religious events on a simple to a grand scale.
Indulge in the new gardening hobby you've been waiting for, and share it with your friends!